

What slaves are saying...

Worship Forever

Thank You so much Goddess for this dream, for let this number humbly going so so deep, so so humbly controlled and completely focused only on You. You’re a Divine Ray of Light, and without You everything is meaningless, thank You Goddess, Saffronsim Forever!


The dream come true

Oh yes, the heading describes exactly how this number humbly feels right now. 14248 has humbly just finished the intermediate slave training course, it is so humbly emotioned. And this course is a breakthrough, it is a so important course that will change you forever. Now you really now your fate, your destiny, your duty. The purpose in your life is serving Goddess Saffron Forever. And now be ready for the advanced course, thank You, thank You Goddess, Saffronism Forever!


In love slavery under Goddess saffron

I love heobeys and being slave to Goddess saffron. Here I pledge that saffronism is my new religion and Goddess saffron is my “God”.


Another step into the rabbit hole

After another so important and so Divine course like this, all this number can humbly say is that it is extremely honored, enslaved, controlled and submitted to Our Divine Queen, Goddess Saffron. you cannot describe by words these feelings, but for sure you understand by yourself that there’s no turning back. you are a slave, and you will keep working harder in order to sink deeper and deeper and deeper. Thank You Goddess, Saffronism Forever.


More than a dream

Course after course, moment after moment, you realize that your life is changing forever. Oh yes, maybe you start to fear a little bit, because this is real enslavement, but don’t worry, relax, keep smiling, and obey orders! Goddess Saffron is The Supreme Ruler, serving Goddess Saffron is the purpose of this number life, thank You! Saffronism Forever!
